Urban Nature

The proposal intends to give a positive answer to its surroundings and the city, focusing on the way the residential blocks interact with the urban grid, the local communities and the building’s energy performance.
The given master plan suggestion speaks a language that doesn’t comply with the city urban composition. Therefore, it was rethought the way buildings react to each other and particularly to their surroundings. Being part of an existing and delicate neighbourhood, already with its own social links embedded, the new buildings – bringing new inhabitants – need to incorporate an inclusive approach. Decomposing the big masses into individual residential blocks allow for a more positive and open solution in relation with the existing buildings, as it increases the sun exposure for the remaining and upcoming structures.
The project is a great exercise to rethink our cities, towards a better living. Embracing environmentally friendly concepts, in which nature, sustainability, farming and zero energy design systems are brought to the foreground.
Within the city, yet closer to nature.